This is proof that Meryl Streep can play any role.The actress impersonated Donald Trump on Monday night at a benefit gala for the Public Theatre in Central Park.
The event saw a host of stars pay tribute to William Shakespeare at the Delacorte Theater.
Meryl took to the stage rocking a blonde wig and heavy orange make-up to perform 'Brush Up Your Shakespeare' with The Good Wife star Christine Baranski.
Meryl Streep just added Donald Trump to her resume at the Public Theater Gala
— Jacob Bernstein (@BernsteinJacob) June 7, 2016
More of Meryl and Christine Baranski doing Trump and HRC
— Jacob Bernstein (@BernsteinJacob) June 7, 2016
Meryl Streep dressed up like Donald Trump tonight and Christine Baranski loved it. Sometimes the world is perfect.
— Jack Moore (@JackPMoore) June 7, 2016
Oskar Eustis, The Public Theatre's artistic director, said: "Utterly her idea, beginning to end. There were sceptics, there were doubters, but one of those sceptics was not Meryl Streep.
"She was absolutely sure she could do it. None of us had seen her in costume or make-up, till she walked out tonight."