Back in 2004, when they were wrapping up the series finale of Friends, Matthew Perry gifted Lisa Kudrow a cookie jar from the set.
Speaking to Drew Barrymore on her chat show recently, Lisa Kudrow revealed that 20 years later, and one year after Matthew Perry’s death, she found a note left by her costar.
The revelation came after Barrymore asked Kudrow if she had ever stolen any props from the set of a television show or movie.
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The Friends star said she had but didn’t want to name the exact props, which had Barrymore wondering about the fate of the cookie jar from the show.
“Matthew gave that to me at the end of our last episode,” Kudrow said. “I had recently found the note that he had in it for me. I hadn’t opened it up or looked inside of it. But yeah, he did. He had a note in there and I forgot about it… Timing is everything.”
Matthew Perry died in 2023 at 54 years old. Lisa Kudrow revealed recently that she started watching Friends again for the first time since it aired to honour her late friend and costar.
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