Jamie Dornan Explained Irish S...


Jamie Dornan Explained Irish Slang Words To Vanity Fair


11:37 22 Nov 2018

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Vanity Fair have quizzed Jamie Dornan on some Irish slang terms. 

He's was given an iPad with various Irish-isms and broke them down as best he could. 

Jamie was well versed in his northern slang and it really highlighted how unique our language is. 

Explaining "Any more of this and there'll be less of it" he said; "It could only be uttered in Ireland, and that's why I love it." 

He also told how his own most used phrase is "Boys a dear" and he likes to have a bit of craic with saying it. 

‘I once tried to do a whole conversation with these builders who were working in my dad’s house by only sayings, “boys a dear” to them, and I talked to them for twenty minutes.’

You can check out the full video below. 

<iframe width="729" height="410" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

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