Emma Thompson Once Turned Down...


Emma Thompson Once Turned Down A Date With Donald Trump


08:48 24 Mar 2017

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Talk about a bizzare couple!

Emma Thompson has revealed she once turned down an offer to have dinner with none other than Donald Trump.

People Magazine say the actress told Swedish TV he asked her on a date years before he became US president.

“I was doing a film called Primary Colors with John Travolta in Hollywood and I was in my trailer and it was on the Universal lot,” she said. “I had just been divorced and my decree absolute has just come through, like, the day before,” she told the outlet. “So the phone rings in my trailer,"

“I lift up the phone. ‘Hi, it’s Donald Trump here.’ I said, ‘Really? Can I help you?’ and he said, ‘Yeah, I just you know, I wondered if I could offer you some accommodation in one of my Trump Towers. They’re really comfortable,’” he said to Thompson.

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Thompson told the TV station that although he was offering her accommodation and some 'dinner' his intentions were clear.

It happened in the late nineties just after her divorce had been finalised.



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