Running Gang Battles in Crumli...


Running Gang Battles in Crumlin


08:19 18 Oct 2013

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Mums on the school run were forced to flee - when a gang armed with knives and hammers broke into a pitched battle in Crumlin yesterday afternoon.  Locals report that tensions are running high after the clash, which was the second violent outburst in just 48 hours.

Chaotic scenes erupted at Cashel avenue at around 4.30 with up to 15 people attacking one another with an assortment of weapons including knives, hammers, chisels and a mallet.  Mums on the school run dashed to get their children safely indoors - as members of the mob screamed obscenities at each other. Gardai were called but most of the crowd fled as they arrived and no arrests were made.

Members of the same gang clashed 2 days earlier - and reports in today's Herald says veteran Dublin criminal, Martin Viper Foley, stepped in as peacemaker to break them up. Gardai are investigating both clashes and it's understood a list of names of those involved has been drawn up .

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