4,800 People Book Appointments...


4,800 People Book Appointments To Shop In Brown Thomas And Arnotts

Laura Donnelly
Laura Donnelly

12:44 10 Jun 2020

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Browsing through shops is not a thing of the past according to Retail Excellence Ireland.

Many retailers are asking customers to book an appointment to come in store, but experts believe normality will return.

Brown Thomas and Arnotts threw open the doors of their Dublin stores this morning, with almost 4,800 people making an appointment to shop over the next number of days.

While Retail Excellence thinks the traditional shopping experience will largely return down the line, it also believes some businesses may continue to offer appointments for customers with busy lifestyles.

People without an appointment will be allowed in to the store if it's not at capacity, which will be managed with body-counting technology.

The capacity for the Grafton Street Brown Thomas is 450 people including staff, while it's 1,100 in Arnotts.


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