3,000 People Take Part In


3,000 People Take Part In "Better Ballymun Day"

Laura Donnelly
Laura Donnelly

01:52 4 Mar 2022

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Over 3,000 people are taking part in a community initiative in north Dublin today to showcase the area.

Local secondary school students are behind "Better Ballymun Day".

They’re doing clean-ups, painting and planting as part of the second Better Ballymun Day, as well as poetry trails, a mini library and even street games.

A weather station, a pop up Gaeltacht and a food garden are some of the initiatives at the school.

Examples of other work taking place on the day include the launch of the school chicken coups, a biodiversity urban bog, wildflower gardens, painting, planting, and cleaning.

Better Ballymun is an idea developed by the students of Trinity Comprehensive, a secondary school at the heart of the community in Ballymun. The students' idea was to take part in a day of action, where each can contribute in their own way.

They say it's to: "To showcase the best of Ballymun and harness our deep sense of community and positive energy to bring about real and lasting change."

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